We survived the night at Camp Delta, and made our way to Castle Szigliget, that is now an impressive ruin that looks down on Lake Balaton. It was first built in the 12th century and added too over time. The castle was really interesting and there were lots of displays, info boards and an interactive timeline that you could view of its changes over time. There was even a medieval soldier with bow and arrows if you wanted to have a go.
The views were great, though it was a bit drizzley and cloudy today, but still ok to sight see. We then stopped at the town of Tihany which was a very smart Hungarian village, trimmed and polished for the tourist, just lovely. We must say that Hungary is a lovely country and very well kept, not a bit of rubbish anywhere. There are many lovely towns, beautiful churches and buildings. What we have noticed and left it a bit late to photograph is all the lovely church steeples. There are also cycle tracks everywhere, including one all the way around the lake.
We drove on to Budapest and intended to stop and look around the central area of the town next to the Danube River, not to be. We saw some impressive buildings including the Hungarian Parliment Building, but the traffic was horrible and beyond us to find anywhere to park so we did a circuit in the car and headed away.
We have done some research tonight and have been considering going back but it's a bit of a nightmare without the GPS for Hungrary and the language signage and traffic. Also we are meeting our friend Barbara tomorrow in Austria, so may cut it a bit fine time wise.