Thursday 16 January 2014


We have arrived safely and pleasantly surprised with the accommodation. Have meet some of the other people we are living with in the home stay. Very nice. The family is very welcoming however a language barrier. They have a 3 month old baby who they are having a naming ceremony tomorrow night, which we can attend. It is a very big deal for them, first grandchild. Lucky our accommodation is separate. The temp is 28 - 30 degrees, muggy, no air con in our room but we have a fan. Thank goodness for silk sleeping bag liners.  Food so far , interesting.  Apparently the teaching here is chaotic to say the least, but I' ll make my own judgement and let you know! Internet is also dodgy. Copi Desi is the local hangout with the best wifi, just up the road. They sell cold soft drinks and beer, mostly tourists there,  it is a home stay too I think.


  1. Hi! All sounds exciting but a bit scary! How would I find the food??? When do you start teaching?

  2. Love checking your blog out and reading about your adventures. Go you two! xox Love Katrina
