Sunday 1 June 2014

Czech Republic

We are staying at a country pub come accommodation house tonight called Bilŷ Beraneks, about an hour over the Czech border. We aren't planning to stay long in this country as we want to spend more time in Germany.
We headed to Prague in the morning but not before we visited a small medieval town called Trels on the way, beautiful buildings with painted murals and designs on then and very colourful. 

In Prague we visited "The Old Town", and again the architecture is quite amazing considering the age of the buildings, The Church of Our Lady Before Tyn was a stand out, as was the Astrological  Clock made in 1410, that still works. When it chimes on the hour a skeleton pulls a bell and above the clock there are two windows on either side and old puppet men poke their faces out, amazing! All around the Square are many rather impressive buildings, cafés and street performers, as well as off all the adjoining streets. It would have been great to contrast this area with the town centre on the other side of the river, but you can only see so much in a day.
For a realitivly small area they jam in the churches and the buildings. 

From Prague we headed towards the German border to get over before dark and find a camping spot, it's only about two or so hours from Prague to the border. 

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